Posts Tagged ‘Search Engine Optimization’

SEO Tips #4 Sitemap

SEO Tips #4 Sitemap- By including a sitemap, you are showing the user how to quickly and simply find information posted on the site. This sitemap gives you all the information in one area rather than having to click on each page. A sitemap also has links to all pages of the site and should […]

SEO Tips #3 Title and Description

SEO Tips #3 Title and Description – One area that people overlook or try to shortcut is the Title of a webpage. What is the Title and where is it located? The Title is shown in the upper left corner of the web browser while visiting a page, the title is in the <head> portion […]

Keyword Research Tips

Keywords are search queries visitors use on search engines. Keywords are one to six words in length, with a few longer exceptions. You know your site needs keywords, but which ones? How do you research keywords? Keep reading; that’s the topic of this article.You cannot have a successful search engine optimization campaign without keyword research. […]

SEO Video – How to Use Google’s Keyword Tools for SEO

If you are currently implementing search engine optimization (SEO) for your website or are thinking about it, then this article will be worth tens of thousands of dollars for you. Conducting effective keyword research from an SEO perspective is critical, because the next 12 months of SEO activities and investment will be focused on the […]

20 SEO Secrets

Here is what you receive with 20 SEO Secrets: A 18 minute video showing you exactly how to use the tools with ease. SEO Manifesto. This is a 12 minute audio rant about how easy search engine optimization is and how you can slap the search engines back! A 55 page PDF with the 20 […]

Search Engine Optimization – An hour a day

Editorial Reviews Review New to the sometimes confusing and seemingly arcane world of making search engine friendly web sites? A new book offers a systematic, common-sense approach to the art and science of SEO. Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day by Jennifer Grappone and Gradiva Couzin is written for anyone who has a web […]

Super SEO 2008 Search Engine Optimization

Finally, A Powerful Set Of Search Engine Optimization Tools So Easy To Use That You Will Blow By Your Competitors, Get Higher Search Engine Rankings, & Make More Profits Starting Today! Download now